Technical terms

Click on the tabs for a drawing and additional information for each technical term.

The distance between two bearing bars . Important when calculating the load-bearing capacity of lattice landings.

Dejo roosters vrije overspanning 1

Bearing bars must take the load and should be supported at both ends. Support bar spacing is mentioned first on our documentation.

Dejo roosters draagstaaf 2

Filler bars connect the bearing bars.
Dejo roosters vulstaaf 3

Filling bar SP-grating (SP=welding)
Twisted crossbars connect the bearer bars.

Dejo roosters vulstaaf SP rooster 4

The distance (h.o.h.) of the bearer bars (a), followed by the distance (h.o.h.) of the filler bars (b). The bearer bar length is listed and underlined first.

Dejo roosters maaswijdte 5


T-edge V-edge flat edge
At the ends of bearer and filler bars
(i.e. all around), a grating edge is applied.

Profile edge
Dejo press gratings are supplied with a (from left to right) flat edge, T-edge or V-edge.

Dejo roosters T rand V rand platte rand 10

Kick edge

Welded-on strip protruding above the grating.
Dejo roosters schoprand 6

Lowered edge

Welded-on strip protruding under the grille.
Dejo roosters verlaagde schoprand 7

Total grating area before cutting to size and including any cut-outs.

Dejo roosters bruto roosteroppervlak 8

All cutting in the grid.

Dejo roosters uitsparingen 9


A special anti-slip tread is fitted to the front of dejo steps. This run profile increases the bearing capacity, while also creating a clear visual marker between the steps. dejo steps are fitted with welded-on plates for fastening between the stair stringers. These tread plates are already provided with the necessary fastening holes.

Dejo roosters aantredeprofiel schetsplaten 11

A higher anti-slip effect can be achieved by adding a serration to the bearing bars. Alternatively, both bearer and filler bars can be knurled, although bearer and filler bars will then be at the same level (double anti-slip).Dejo roosters antislip 12